Healthy Parents, Healthy Baby

When becoming a parent to your baby, it’s important that you have all the information you need for every situation that will arise – from the pregnancy straight through to when they are growing fast. After all, a healthy parent means a healthy baby, therefore we have set up some tips and tricks in order to help you all the way.

Aldi’s hospital bag checklist.

It’s best to be all set for the big day. This checklist will help make sure you have everything you need to hand, so you don’t need to worry about a thing when baby decides to make an appearance. Exciting! Just click and download.

Hospital Bag Checklist

Take a look

Be good to yourself

Attempting to look after a little one is easier when you make sure all of the grown-ups are looking after themselves as well. Here’s a few good places to start when it comes to self-care.

Make sure you eat well

It’s so important to nourish your body (and mind) as a new parent, especially if you’re breast feeding. So, stock the fridge with plenty of nutritious foods.

Take a little me time

It’s ok to stop and take a few deep breaths. It can be a great way to cope when you have a little one. So, if you get the chance, create a little sanctuary at home to de-stress.

Pamper yourself

There is no denying a little beauty therapy makes us all feel good. So why not do yourself a favour and enjoy a little pampering at home with a whole range of products from Aldi’s skincare range.