Halloween Bark


Chocolate bark bursting with lots of sweet treats to sink your fangs into.    

Serves: 6 people   |   Prep time: 5 minutes   |   Cooking time: 5 minutes

American   |   Dessert



  • 300g White Chocolate
  • 1 tsp Red Food Colouring
  • 1 tsp Yellow Food Colouring

Leftover Sweets – we used:

  • 75g Kids Dolly Mixture
  • 40g Fizzy Rainbow Belts, chopped
  • 40g Rainbow Dots/Jelly Tots
  • 80g Chocolate Um’s / M&M’s
  • 30 x 20cm baking tin
  • Non-stick baking parchment



  1. Line the baking tin with the baking parchment.
  2. Break up the chocolate and put into a heatproof bowl.
  3. Put the bowl over a pan of simmering water and melt the chocolate – make sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water.
  4. While the bowl is still over the water and the chocolate is hot, add the food colourings and stir through.
  5. Pour the chocolate into the prepared tin, then sprinkle over your leftover sweets.
  6. Allow to cool, then put into the fridge to harden.
  7. Break into shards and serve.